CIRCUS Collection – Event.

October 21st I turend 40! I thought it was the time to celebrate with a big party and launch my first hand crafted home decoration Limited Edition: CIRCUS COLLECTION.
From great grandma dowry trunk, antique homespun hemp Italian fabric from 1800s: 25 unique pieces clashed with colorful tassels and military stencil hand painted graphics.
Straight away the day after the party Federica Ferro from the The Dream Corner took most of them with her, since she is having a private sale in London. I’m very honored to be there with the Dream Team!
Well, I leave you with few pics of the CIRCUS PARTY and I thank from the deep of my heart all of my friends that believe in magic!
Thank YOU All, Marina
A BIG BIG Thank YOU to Andrea Bra’ and Ica <3

Villa Pacchierotti Zemella, Padova

Noi 3: Fede, Mari, Reni.

Vlady, Massimo, Daniela, Me, Alessandra, Marco.

Federica Ferro from The Dream Corner with her husband + my friend Giacomo.

My girlfriends: Torr, Cri and Giulia.

Best Outftit Ever!

Photo Boot :-)

Yoga friends!

Thank You!
A special Thanks to ph: Alessia Celato