The first full day 100% AUTHENTIC YOU® workshop took place in May 12, surrounded by the nature, in our place.
This WORKSHOP has been structured in #4 phases. They can all be explored more in depth and we are available to design bespoken workshops.

We started at 10 am with registrations, welcoming our international guests with breakfast…

… and a customized give away!
We then walked from the LAB to the CAMPO, bringing with us the woodden boxes we fullfilled with colors, pots, brushes & co.

We always begin our WORKSHOPS by simply becoming aware about how we feel, where we are, with whom we are sharing the experience. We all agree about the confidentiality of the emerged contents, thus I’ll just report pictures and info about the structure of the workshop.

All participants where asked to bring 5 images they like: either aesthetically, or representing an emotion or a memory. All images have been displayed randomly in the circle. Walking in silence and focusing on “how do I feel in this exact moment”, the commitment was: choose an image that represents you in this moment, here, now!

Sharing in groups of 3, we do experience: TALKING, LISTENING without interfeering, OBSERVING.
OBSERVING has nothing to do with JUDING, have you ever notice that?
Did you ever experience to communicate with a person that does not speak your language? How do you feel when you do not understand? So many of us are focusing so much of the contents, on the language… but, in case your mate is talking Russian there is no chance to even understand a word, right?
Then we all experienced GIBBERISH!

During phase #1 we connected with many feeling and emotions. Starting from an image – which is something outside us, external – we can connect with our inner world, made of light and dark, beauty and shadows. We usually prefer to show to the others our best shiny side, don’t we?
We are now getting ready to allow our inner world to manifest trough painting!
We experience how to stay connected with our feelings and allow them to show up through the hand we never use!
It’s been interesting to acknowledge that many of you didn’t even hear about my tip of using the “other hand”!

Half an hour time painting in silence, in the nature, connected with one’s self.

Amazing to see you whilst discovering something new about you. This is priceless to me!

Lunch time: 1 hour of love trough nutrition and food, thanks to my beloved and precious neighbor Eleonora, who is committed in vegetarian catering!
Set up, pillows, blankets by Mestieri-LAB of course!
Phase #3: TRUST & LET GO
I personally believe TRUST is one of the key themes in a relationship, either at work or in our private life.
How do we feel when we lead the other? When we do have the power to decide where to go and what to do? When we can decide the speed, the timing, the goals?
How do we feel when we are led by someone else? Do we trust totally or we feel tension in our body? Can we enjoy the experience of discovering what surrounds us without seeing it? What do we get from the other senses?
There is no right or wrong, we just pay attention to what we feel, we take note of that, we learn something about us through the experience.

Presenting our projects to an audience may be difficult to some of us. We might feel vulnerable, with nothing interesting to say, we might feel uncomfortable with the language, embarrassed, shy, talking too fast and so on.
We did ask all participants to bring 2 projects with them: one you like, you are proud of, one you judge as a bad one. The person sitting on your right is deciding which project you will present! So amazing to see the difference between a speech about “something we must talk about” and one about “something we are passionate about”.
Our emotions are important: we communicate much more with our body language and with our heart than with words. Of course it’s important to study and know what we are talking about, but then, once we are there… let’s open up!

Thank you for being here, supporting, trusting, encouraging us by showing your deepest authenticity.
See you next time, Marina & Vlady