Many people ask me how to understand what their way is.
I discovered it by living, walking, sometimes by bike and sometimes by plane.
Today I can tell you that helping others to re-discover themselves is my way!
My name is Marina Tonella, I’m 44 years old and I am Mestieri-LAB® founder, a community where education, industry and school meet.
I’ve been working in the fashion industry for 20 years, dealing with creatives from all over the world, of all ages and cultures.
Work has always been important to me, I have always learned a lot, given a lot.
At work I like relationships, processes, I like making things happen, I like change, innovation.
I’ve always had to deal with many different types of people, I’ve always been involved a lot, sometimes losing my face.
I get excited easily, I’m curious and I have a lot of initiative. In my 16 years of business I have experienced ups and downs, my character has helped me as much as it has limited me. I talk about my character in articles on the Enneagram, I recognize myself in the conservative 7.
I have a strong need to take things with a spirit of play to enjoy the initial enthusiasm, to motivate myself.
When I have fun it means that I work well.
In the game (if you want to call it work), I’m very serious, just like when I used to draw or prepare Barbie’s as a child.
I always liked better to prepare, create the situation. Then when the game is ready I get tired quite quickly.
I started working in the company in 2001, in Loro Piana, a leading luxury company, then owned by the family.
I know the textile value chain very well, my first training was as a textile expert and I have always had a strong passion for beautiful, quality or even poor fabrics, as long as they are authentic.
I like the product, I like the whole conception and design phase. I really like the relationships, the dynamics between people.
I had the first role for an open-ended period of time because, in addition to being familiar with languages, data analysis and fabrics, I got along well with a person who was difficult to manage.
Now I won’t tell you the whole curriculum, this is not the point and I refer you to my Linkedin profile if you are curious.
After various experiences, to be exact 4 other companies in 6 years, I arrived in Diesel, a leading company in denim and beyond.
In the staff of the style and product manager, I was coordinating projects between the several teams. Used to smaller realities, I used the same amount of enthusiasm and initiative as always, but something was not working anymore, the situation was complex to manage.
The single project worked well, but overall I was struggling to gain the trust of others, I was struggling to find the right distance in relationships, in projects.
I was nobody’s boss, but I had to make the teams work and achieve results with them. I only knew the 100% full immersion mode, but working on so many projects I couldn’t use that strategy, I needed to change, but I didn’t know where to start.
I asked a coach to help me learn how to better manage relationships with people, my time and my credibility.
My desire had been to help people work better for years, but following my instincts was sometimes risky. At the same time I did not want to structure myself too much, I was afraid of losing my spontaneity, a resource that has always helped me.
This situation is technically called “impasse”.
After that series of meetings I chose to train in Gestalt and Bioenergetics Counseling, and from there my personal and professional growth path took a very clear direction.
I found a new way to take responsibility.
That responsibility that leads to freedom.
The freedom to be myself.
Now I am here to help you, to support you grow, to become 100% yourself.